Thursday, May 5, 2011


The Nazis this, the Nazis that, the Nazis did this, the Nazis did that. I grew up watching WW2 TV shows, movies, reading WW2 comic books, and WW2 novels. I was told about all the horrible things the satanic germanic people did. And the slanty-eyed japs (I was told) were just as bad.

The Nazis were known mass murderers. It was never mentioned in our communist-leaning, American-hating press and media that Stalin and Mao were even greater mass murderers. The internet has taken the lid off the mass media's absolute power over dissemination of information.

Now we send our neatest, coolest machines and our most highly-trained killers to go in after a ghost. Osama disappeared. No pictures, no body, no nothing. Just more black type and hype in the mass hysterical media. But meanwhile mass murderers operate freely a few miles from our border with nothing to stop them from crossing whenever they feel like it.

You like stories about evil? About mass murderers? Just look at the people ruling America. They refuse to protect us, but they send their trillions of dollars overseas to agitate for more war and terror around the world. You feel like dying? I'm not afraid to die. Are you? You better open your eyes and get ready for death, because it's coming to your community before you realize it.

Our rulers refuse to provide even the minimal amount of protection for the U.S. citizens. What makes you think they will protect us from foreign attacks? They won't even protect our jobs or our money. You think they care about our lives? Are you stupid or are you just high?

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