Sunday, May 29, 2011
I swear life is just strange. I've often wondered why the Alien propaganda all the time from Hollywood and the Mass Hysteria Media? Now I have a possible answer. I deduced that it was a simple deception designed by the satanists to lead people astray and keep them confused, something along the lines of evolution fairy tales and dinosaurs and other unprovable but taken-as-fact propaganda. You know the Bible speaks of a mass delusion coming upon people in the last days and the spread of many false doctrines and deceptions. Let's take a look:
"The man of sin will come with the power of Satan. He will use every kind of power, including miraculous and wonderful signs. But they will be lies. He will use every kind of evil deception to fool those on their way to destruction, because they refuse to love and accept the truth that would save them. For this reason, God will send them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie.
A time will come when people will not listen to accurate teachings. Instead, they will follow their own desires and surround themselves with teachers who tell them what they want to hear. People will refuse to listen to the truth and turn to myths and fables."
So this lady (Dr. Carol Rosin) who knew Werner Von Braun, a genius and head of our space program at one time, states that he told her that eventually the Elites (TPTB-The Powers That Be/Those who run the world) would say we need space weapons to protect us against the Aliens. And here I always thought the ANTICHRIST would say that he is from another planet and declare that he is G_O_D!! You known the Bible says the AC will be able to call fire down from Heaven:
"And he does great signs, even making fire come down from heaven on the earth before the eyes of men."
OOOOHHHHHHH AAAAAAHHHHHH. Fireworks coming from the BEAST! Is that the best you got, satan? Probably some kind of laser weapon, right?
Well anyway, people will read this and ignore that the BIBLE had it right all along and stay in unbelief and perish with the wicked. And then some will read this and say "Hey, the BIBLE was right all along!" And turn to Jesus. Let's hope so.
Here's Dr. Rosin's video:
IT's ALWAYS all about the money, ain't it? Remember Jesus said:
"Miraculous signs will occur in the sun, moon, and stars. The nations of the earth will be deeply troubled and confused because of the roaring and tossing of the sea. False messiahs and false prophets will appear. They will work spectacular, miraculous signs and do wonderful things to deceive, if possible, even those whom God has chosen."
But before the Bozo Clown, Cookie, and Ringmaster Ned start calling fire from Heaven, two prophets will have the power to preach God's word warning people to repent just before the appearance of the AC and they will have POWER POWER POWER!!!
"If anyone wants to hurt them, fire comes out of the witnesses' mouths and burns up their enemies. If anyone wants to hurt them, he must be killed the same way. These witnesses have authority to shut the sky in order to keep rain from falling during the time they speak what God has revealed. They have authority to turn water into blood and to strike the earth with any plague as often as they want."
So these prophets of God don't just call fire from the sky. It comes straight out of their mouth. So folks will see the power of God before the AC gets here, and they will have the choice to believe or not. If they don't believe, they will be deluded and follow the BEAST. And everyone who follows the AC will go straight to the Lake of Fire. Get ready to see STRANGE THINGS.
There is no end as to what you could say about the glories of God. I sense in my spirit that very few people today know God personally. There is a form of religion for many people, or many different opposing viewpoints, but who in this world is demonstrating the POWER of GOD in their life? At least, who is well known that you could say demonstrates a supernatural POWER in their life? I know of no one like that. Billy Graham is as close as I can see to a man of God for our generation. Kenneth Hagin lived a life that demonstrated the power of God, but he has passed away. And so have many of the great faith healers. We had a great healing revival in America in the 50's, but America as a whole did not repent and did not turn to God, although the POWER OF GOD was in demonstration to great degree. So you get what we got.
And what we got is no end to the amount of evil you can imagine today. People's minds are like those in Noah's days when the very imagination was constantly filled with evil. EVIL is a power, a force. There is a spiritual controller over EVIL. Why do you think we are slipping into a generation of occultism? You cannot serve God and Evil at the same time. And if you serve EVIL you are no servant of God.
Alas, many are going to hell and have lost their souls. For what? For the pleasures of this world which do not satisfy and are passing away. This is why EVIL IS EVIL. It will cost you your EVERLASTING SOUL! What a price to pay.
I could go on and on about what is happening in the world around me and talk about all the evil I see encroaching upon America and the world. But it just hit me like a light. Like a brilliant light being fed into my mind. And I see where we stand. We stand upon the PRECIPICE of complete and utter destruction. We are doomed. You are doomed, unless Jesus is your Savior. There is no other answer to the very reason of our existence, other than to live forever in a place of perfection with your CREATOR. Only Jesus can take you there. Jesus is the story of God's love. Jesus is the only salvation offered to man. But the precipice of destruction we stand upon now is drawing mankind away from salvation to hell. Because they rejected JESUS, they have EVIL. It's your choice.
So now I see the direction we're headed very clearly. It doesn't frighten or scare me that we're headed for destruction. It just makes me sad that so many people are serving evil and will perish in hell. It's a sad state of affairs. We could've had it all. We could've had God and His Kingdom. We could've had everlasting life. But America rejected the life God offered. And now America will DIE. Death is coming. Famine, war, destruction, nuclear annihilation, disease, tragedy, and great sorrow lie ahead for the human race. Whether the ELITE know it or not, they are also part of the human race and they will die as men, though they think of themselves as gods. They are dust and they shall return to dust. I am not afraid of them.
SAVE YOURSELF FROM THE PRECIPICE. Call on Jesus to save you. NOW. The time is short. If you need to know how to accept Jesus look at my other blog under my profile and there you will find the BIBLE pathway to salvation.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
This is an article in the Observer about Hedge Fund investment in farmland:
Here's one of the comments from the article:
Well, folks, I have "boots on the ground" here in Ohio's farm country. As a writer/editor and someone who has delved deeply into the politics/business of food, and the rise of Local Food and "Real Food," I can tell you that Actual Farmer and the writer of this piece have absolutely nailed key bits of the truth -- while the rest of the nation sleeps.
I, too, am an actual farmer, and have lots of "street cred" on food-based issues.Fact: Approximately five very, very large companies control U.S. Agriculture AND most of our food supply. (As a primer, watch or buy the film, "Food Inc.")Fact: The long-term record of GMO food (do your homework) is as yet unknown -- and precisely why the Europeans have very wisely, and publicly, avoided it.Fact: Most of the food you buy in the grocery store is pure garbage. The processed stuff is chemically enhanced slop; the meats and dairy bear little resemblance to actual meat and dairy products, and the veggies are grown in soil that is so burned out that they only way they can get a harvest is to essentially use soil as a medium in which to bathe the plants in chemicals. What you eat today is manufactured food. What happens when the manufacturing machine goes bust?I could go on, and on and on. There is SO much at play here, it is impossible to even begin to address the issues.Bottom line: Grow/raise your own food. Now. Every war we've ever fought will pale in comparison to the horrors that will be visited upon us when the dollar crashes, our food production/delivery cycle implodes and the grocery shelves go bare.I am not a liberal, tree-hugger or anything of the like. I am a Conservative, and a capitalist and I am here to tell you that this is and/or will be the biggest issue of our time, probably sooner rather than later.
Here's another tale of world-wide food production woes I found on
And this is what Revelation 6 says about the coming famine:
I looked up and saw a black horse, and its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice from among the four living beings say, “A loaf of wheat bread or three loaves of barley will cost a day’s pay. And don’t waste the olive oil and wine.”
Famine is coming. Where and when it will hit is anyone's guess. But those who trust the Lord have this promise from Job and David:
Once I was young, and now I am old.
Yet I have never seen the godly abandoned
or their children begging for bread.
From six disasters he will rescue you;
even in the seventh, he will keep you from evil.
He will save you from death in time of famine,
from the power of the sword in time of war.
You will be safe from slander
and have no fear when destruction comes.
You will laugh at destruction and famine;
wild animals will not terrify you.
And so Jesus will protect His children while starvation stalks the land. Maybe we will eat manna. You like honey bread?
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Stephen Hawking says there is no Heaven.
The Bible says, "you can have what you say," and for Mr. Hawking there will be no Heaven. Maybe the poor man's disability has twisted his mind as well, or maybe vice versa. We may never know. But there will be no Stephen Hawking when I'm in Heaven.
Only the fool says in his heart, "There is no God."
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Here is a good video to use as a truth parody of the American economic situation:
Oh it's so sad, so sad. WHY did it have to come to this?? I paid in to the promised American dream. I paid my taxes faithfully. I paid my social security. I was promised a comfortable retirement. I was promised a worry-free retirement. I worked all my life, just to watch crooked LAWYERS and evil BANKERS steal every last penny. I am sad for the younger generation. They will inherit NOTHING! Your rulers are evil, mean crooks and there's really nothing you can do about it.
I am not of this world, so it doesn't really matter to me. I have my hope set in Heaven. Just because they are going to hell and I am going to Heaven, doesn't make it right what they've done. I wish it wasn't like this. But it is. Greed is the only god this world knows, if it doesn't know JESUS. Jesus promises eternal riches. Multitudes have sold their soul for present riches. But it will all turn to dust. And you will have lost EVERYTHING. Sorry it had to be this way.
God is bringing His Kingdom and if you're in it, you will see things set right. No more evil, mean, crooked LAWYERS and BANKERS. Hallelujah!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Why doesn't our United States Government answer all the questions circulating around Nine Eleven? Why don't they put a stop to all these conspiracy theories by disproving them with the facts? The modus operandi of our Rulers is to ignore everyone and everything that doesn't agree with their version of events. It's easy to silence people by acting as if they don't exist. The only "TRUTH" according to American Media Culture is whatever the TV says is the truth. No other evidence or controversy is allowed.
If you want to understand the motives behind the people who operate our Government, read this man's book, "The Creature from Jekyll Island."
If you really want to understand what's happening to your world, read your BIBLE: "Know also this, that, in the last days, shall come dangerous times."
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Here is an interview with John Perkins on the Daily Bell. John Perkins is the author of "Confessions of an Economic Hitman."
Can't say I believe in Perkin's idea of how to save the world, but I do understand that he speaks the truth when he talks about enforcing the Elites wishes. General Smedley Butler wrote the book "War is a Racket" years ago, and nothing has changed since then. Except that The Corporations and International Bankers have waged economic war backed by force as a more successful way of making money.
You can't fight these people with traditional means. Only with God on our side can we fight the evils of greed and lust. Otherwise, we all fall prey to the corruption of power.
I am speechless when I see that the Mass Mind Control Grid of the MSM has actually achieved the powers of deception that is has. No honest or serious debate is even allowed anymore. What POWER! This is what men like Soros and the rest of the ELITES live for. They have the power they have always dreamed of and they are using it to frighten and destroy and terrorize entire nations.
Does anyone truly believe that killing Osama has made the world a safer place? Globalists say not! No--the dangerous terrorists are even more dangerous now! Why? Maybe because globalists are the real terrorists.
I think this quote is worth repeating:
'In the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods.
It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying. These people know only too well how to use falsehood for the basest purposes.' -ADOLPH HITLER.
Adrian Salbuchi's take on the Laden to rest of Osama:
How completely blind do people have to be, to believe the TV?
Natural disasters are becoming part of daily life in this world. Not just in America, but everywhere:
David Wilkerson recently died. He was a great man of God. He prophesied many years ago that the scale, severity, and frequency of natural disasters would occur. He was right. He knew God and God's word. God is not happy with mankind and the evil we are practicing. He wants us to come back to Him. Perhaps some of us will wake up. Those who know God, know this is but one sign that we are nearing the end of time.
Here is the video of David Wilkerson sharing the vision God gave him in 1973. I read the book when it came out and I have lived long enough to see everything in the book come to pass.
This picture from the RT website seems to question the official US/CIA version of the Bin Laden assassination story. Here is a link to one of the best articles I've read yet concerning this poorly-executed farce:
I could link other similar rebuttals, but what's the point? If you're a true believer in the Gubbermint, nothing will convince you that you've just been lied to--AGAIN. It's really sad to think that the Russian Government is being more truthful than the American government. What has the world come to?
Friday, May 6, 2011
Life is not easy. If living was easy we'd all be on easy street. A man writing a blog can't solve all the world's problems in a few paragraphs. All I can do is generalize the concepts forming in my brain. There's a reason why the world's falling apart. There's a reason why the earth is stressed. There's a reason we're seeing one disaster after another.
Man is not in control. God created this world and gave it to us to rule. Where is God when things go bad? How come the only time we ask the question is when something bad happens? If we followed the rules laid down for us and we asked God for help and invited His assistance, these things wouldn't be happening. We are not in the control, but we are the problem. The world is as it is, because evil has been practiced for thousands of years upon the face of this globe. It will not end, until the saints return by the millions at the coming of Jesus. Then it will END!! Because the children of GOD will be in CONTROL.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
The Nazis this, the Nazis that, the Nazis did this, the Nazis did that. I grew up watching WW2 TV shows, movies, reading WW2 comic books, and WW2 novels. I was told about all the horrible things the satanic germanic people did. And the slanty-eyed japs (I was told) were just as bad.
The Nazis were known mass murderers. It was never mentioned in our communist-leaning, American-hating press and media that Stalin and Mao were even greater mass murderers. The internet has taken the lid off the mass media's absolute power over dissemination of information.
Now we send our neatest, coolest machines and our most highly-trained killers to go in after a ghost. Osama disappeared. No pictures, no body, no nothing. Just more black type and hype in the mass hysterical media. But meanwhile mass murderers operate freely a few miles from our border with nothing to stop them from crossing whenever they feel like it.
You like stories about evil? About mass murderers? Just look at the people ruling America. They refuse to protect us, but they send their trillions of dollars overseas to agitate for more war and terror around the world. You feel like dying? I'm not afraid to die. Are you? You better open your eyes and get ready for death, because it's coming to your community before you realize it.
Our rulers refuse to provide even the minimal amount of protection for the U.S. citizens. What makes you think they will protect us from foreign attacks? They won't even protect our jobs or our money. You think they care about our lives? Are you stupid or are you just high?
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
That's one ugly mug. Either way you cut it, somebody died. This incident, of the Osama hit, will enflame the Arabs you can bet. And it was meant to, I'm sure. We all love to show how much we hate each other by killing each other. I personally think Osama was just another Rebel without a Cause wandering the desert until Bush pinned 9/11 on him. He probably pissed his pants right then and there knowing he was a marked dead man. Did he have anything at all to do with 9/11? It would be better to ask the CIA why they had him on the payroll and what he was doing for them. And then they dumped his body in the ocean. The seals sent him to sleep with the fishes. Right out of the Godfather. Here's what the neighbors had to say about the show:
All I can say is that I don't believe anything coming out of Washington or Hollywood. Both are fairy tale side shows meant to entertain the stupid masses and keep them happy. In fact, if Washington says something, I usually believe the opposite is true, and in point of fact, I'm usually right.
Sunday, May 1, 2011

Lindsey's been right about a lot of things. He has the inside track on what is being planned by THE ELITES. Here is his latest Global Elite Report:
I have linked his April 13, 2011 videos from the AlexJonesChannel youtube:
Syria will be the next Arab nation to be taken over. Gaddafi will be overthrown. Saudi Arabia will be the last to fall. The dollar is dead. We will default. No one is buying our debt. QE (quantitative easing) will continue. I don't know what will happen after the dollar dies, but Lindsey says THE ELITE will introduce a new currency controlled by them of course. No surprises there.
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