Thursday, January 29, 2009


I woke up with a very vivid dream this morning. I was looking for a house to buy. I was in the Midwest somewhere, back home where there are trees and grass and rain. The house was in bad shape, and was being sold by a young woman with a small child. I was thinking of what to offer her, comparing it to my present home. I remember walking through the house and looking at all the rooms. I saw the attic and all the stuff she had stored up there. I saw a hole in the roof. I saw mold. I saw rain leaking in the ceiling. I saw the next door neighbor's house almost touching her house. I saw the old windows, the bad paint, the old carpet, and I decided to buy it because it was cheap. Two guys appeared in the end of the dream and offered their help to repair the house.

The dream reminds me of my desire for a nicer place to live, and my desire to retire eventually up north. My plans are to buy a house just like the one in the dream. A cheap house I can fix up and spend my last days in. A house I could afford and have paid off. I'll have my house paid off by the time I retire here in Arizona, but I don't want to spend my retirement here. There's no family and no place to go fishing here. I very rarely have dreams this vivid, and I feel like something is going to happen in the future that reminds me of this dream.

I have nothing to say today. Life is just a dream.

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